A Scarcity of Candidates


In the Fall election of 1964, the Town of Oxford once again faced a slate of candidates insufficient to fill the available seats. It’s a story repeated many times throughout the community’s history, with acclamation bringing any candidate who ran into a seat on council. This is not to say that those who stood for office were not capable or committed to the task: it simply shows how difficult it can be to find persons willing to fulfil the civic duty that can exact a demanding toll on one’s personal life. Those who stand, and those who are chosen to serve, deserve our respect and support as they perform the challenging duties of municipal governance.

The Oxford Journal, 19 November 1964

Still Need Two Oxford Town Councillors; Os. Rushton Re-elected

Tuesday was nomination day in Oxford and Oswald Rushton of South Oxford was re-elected for a second two-year term as town councillor. Councillor Rushton’s nomination was the only one received by Town Clerk Norman Cole. Councillors Eldred Patriquin and enneth Gordon did not re-offer. Nomination have been called to fill the two council vacancies, with the new nomination day being December 1st.